Sunday, December 29, 2019

What Causes Negative Body Image Weight Issues Free Essay Example, 2750 words

Between the male and female population, most of the individuals who have developed an eating disorder are those who belong to ages 12 to 25. In fact, anorexia is considered to be the third most common chronic illness among the young adolescents. It is believed that the teenage years is the time of their lives wherein they wanted so much to be accepted by the other members of the society. The physical and emotional changes and pressure that these teenagers have to go through affects their overall outlook in life such as a strong desire to look good by being slim and gorgeous even to the extent that they have to lose weight in an unhealthy way. During puberty, it is but normal to gain body fat as part of their physiological development. However, some girls do not understand the human body developmental stage. Therefore, they tend to respond to it by going through excessive exercise and strict dieting. In the end, a huge portion of the teenage population develops the eating disorder ha bits. Going back to the psychological effects of advertisers using the images of the women celebrities with slim bodies, we could trace that the media greatly affects the mentality and the general perception of the teenage population when it comes to the perfect physical characteristics among the women. We will write a custom essay sample on What Causes Negative Body Image & Weight Issues or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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